Welcome to Creekside!

We are a community of independent holistic practitioners in downtown Austin who are dedicated to assisting with your health and wellness.


Unlock the potential of a vibrant Life through the transformative power of holistic health practices! Imagine a Life where your mind, body and spirit unite in perfect harmony. With our carefully crafted approach, you’ll embrace a journey that encompasses not just physical health, but mental clarity, emotional equilibrium, and spiritual fulfillment. Our holistic health solutions offer more than just a routine - they promise increased vitality, reduced stress, bolstered immunity and a profound connection with your self and your surroundings. Elevate your existence and experience the synergy of holistic well-being today!


Elevate your well-being to new heights with our exceptional holistic body work services! Imagine a world where tension and stress melt away, leaving you revitalized and reenergized. Our skilled practitioners specialize int he art of harmonizing mind and body, using a combination of therapeutic techniques to unlock your body’s inate healing potential.

Creekside Whole Health Center

1209 Parkway

Austin, TX 78703

Newsletter coming Soon!